Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I am currently involved in a collaborative inquiry with other spec. ed. teachers (developmental disabilities and deaf/hard of hearing). To track all of the great ideas that my group is coming up with I have created a fluency section on the A4 website. As with all other sections you can find skills inventories, lesson ideas, resources (including iPad apps) and assessment/evaluation resources.
Here is the link directly to the fluency section. https://sites.google.com/site/schooltocommunity/reading-1/fluency
If you have any other great ideas please email thea4ideapeople@gmail.com.
Sleep well all!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Coming soon... an iPad section on the A4 website. What are your favourite uses for the iPad?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Smart Goals, IEPs and Tracking Sheets...Oh My!

Report cards are written and sent home. We all know what that means... time to update IEPs again. sigh. Sitting in front of the IEP engine, tweaking expectations, trying to cover everything you want to, trying to find a nice balance of "academic skills" and social and life skills... what could be more fun?

This is a perfect time to visit the A4 website. You can find SMART goals for each topic on the website, tracking sheets where appropriate and a wonderful IEP planning and tracking form.

 The Planning and Assessment Chart has become my sanity saver during IEP writing time. I communicate with other staff involved with my students, parents and the students themselves. I might complete a 2 page A4 Skills Inventory Checklist. I use this information and plan out my expectations for next term on the Planning and Assessment Chart.

Planning and Assessment Chart
Click here to download your own Planning and Assessment Chart.
2 Page Skills Inventory Checklist
Click here to see some 2 page Skills Inventories.

After I have it all planned out I enter the expectations into the IEP engine. I spend so much less time searching for expectations in the drop down menus or staring at the blinking cursor.
I give any other teachers involved with my students copies of the Planning and Assessment Chart so that they can see all the expectations pertaining to their students at a glance and easily track the student's achievement.

There is now a link on the A4 Planning and Assessment page to a spreadsheet (available in Excel and Open Office) that allows you to check off specific expectations you would like to a given student to work on and have them automatically entered into a Planning and Assessment Chart.

 If you have other ideas for making the IEP writing process easier please share in the comments below.

Hang in there - it's almost Easter!

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